Health Matters is our quarterly newsletter of the Farmington Valley Health District.

Topics include FVHD activities, safety tips, book reviews, and more.

Health Matters Summer 2024

Protect Your Hearing

Did You Know?  Repeated exposure to loud noise over the years can damage your hearing—long [...]

Health Matters Summer 2024

Resilience Grows at Farmington Valley Schools

The challengeMental health challenges in school aged children are on the rise nationwide. Issues like [...]

Health Matters Summer 2024

Community Health Improvement Plan Updates

The Farmington Valley Health District’s Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is almost complete! Goals, objectives, [...]

Health Matters Summer 2024

40 is the new 50!

New Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines Released. Last week, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF, [...]

Health Matters Summer 2024

Staying Safe Poolside

As the weather heats up many of us seek relief in pools and waterways to [...]


2024: WinterSpringSummer

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2022: SpringSummerFall

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2020: JanFebMar

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