What is Community Health?

Community health is a field of study that specializes in the mental and physical well-being of individuals in geographic region. The health of a community is affected by the demographics, economics, and social influences that exists within the community.

At its core, community health aims to improve the lives of many people through policy change, education, and collaboration with other local organizations. The health district seeks to provide accessible health resources and advocate for policy change to reinforce healthy behaviors in our community.

CredibleMind: Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources

The Farmington Valley Health District has partnered with CredibleMind to offer our towns access to thousands of mental health resources. Use the search tool below to find mental health and wellness resources from trusted, credible sources for whatever you may be facing.


Programs & Services

Health is not a matter of size. No matter your BMI, everyone benefits from a healthy lifestyle that includes good diet and regular exercise.

Foodshare Resources CDC Healthy Eating Tips Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Pitfalls of Diet Culture

The Farmington Valley Health District is committed to promoting mental wellbeing and resilience in all stages of life.


CredibleMind is a free, confidential, anonymous online platform available 24/7 to help you understand and care for your mental health.

Self-Help Checklist
Take a Course

Learn what to do if your loved one is in crisis by training. Opportunities include:

  • QPR (Question, Refer, Persuade) Suicide Prevention Training
  • Mental Health First Aid
RGH Schools

A school-based mental health initiative aimed at middle and high school students.

Matter of Balance (MOB)

MOB is an evidence-based falls prevention program that aims to reduce the fears people have around falling. This program teaches balance and strength building exercises while empowering people to make positive lifestyle changes

Durable Medical Equipment Loan Closets

Towns in our district offer durable medical equipment loans, including wheelchairs, raised toilet seats, transporters, tub seats, walkers, bed rails, canes, commodes, and assistive devices. Items are available to borrow at no cost. Please call or email sites below to arrange loan or donation. Supplies may vary by location.

Avon Lions
860-558-3773 (Heidi Z.)

Barkhamsted Senior Center

Colebrook Senior Center

Granby Senior Center

H.O.P.E. Partners of Farmington

Simsbury Loan Locker

Additional Resources
Medicare Provider Search

The Farmington Valley Health District hosts seasonal flu vaccine clinics for adults.

Program Information
Additional Resources
Cessation Resources Credible Mind Topic: Addiction

Events Calendar

Our Community Health Staff

Stephanie Johnson, MPH
assistant director



Justine Ginsberg, RN
Community Health Coordinator


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Amanda Hubbard, MSN, RN
Community Health Nurse


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Olivia Morris, BS


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Jamie Dudyak, LMSW, MPH
Community Health Program Associate


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Anna Larson, MPH
Community Health Program Associate
