FVHD Role in Emergencies
FVHD has developed Local Public Health Preparedness and Response Plans for each of our ten towns. These plans address the roles and responsibilities of public health officials in cooperation with local, municipal officials, emergency responders, and town agencies as well as regional and state resources. In the event of an emergency, the FVHD would work closely with our partners to respond to our community’s needs in a comprehensive fashion.
FVHD supports the Get Ready Capitol Region campaign, which provides educational resources, documents, training and volunteer opportunities surrounding Emergency Preparedness. For more information about this campaign, please click here.
Mass Dispensing Area

FVHD is responsible for ensuring the health of the residents within its jurisdiction. We are one of 41 regions designated within the State of Connecticut to coordinate a Mass Dispensing Area designed to provide medication as fast as possible to as many healthy residents as possible to prevent illness in the event of a public health emergency.
The Farmington Valley Health District is Mass Dispensing Area #24.
Learn MoreTraining Opportunities
Training opportunities are available free of charge from the Connecticut Department of Public Health Training Finder Real-Time Affiliate Integrated Network (TRAIN).
TRAIN is a web-based learning management system that is an education resource for public health emergency response, accessing a nationwide training system. Getting a learner account gives you free access to available materials and references as well as training specifically for clinic volunteers.
The State of Connecticut Department of Public Health requires that all clinic staff on the Public Health Emergency Response Team are registered on TRAIN and have learner accounts. There are existing courses on the Strategic National Stockpile, National Incident Management Systems (NIMS), and specific on-line training for medical professionals. In the future, training for clinic volunteers will be available. Periodically there are courses for Train- the-Trainer for smallpox vaccination.
If you have any questions regarding training, please use the comment form on our contact page.

The Farmington Valley Health District uses both staff and volunteers during emergencies. There may be a future need for clinical and non-clinical people. Volunteer opportunities will be posted periodically. For ongoing volunteer opportunities, the Capitol Region has information posted on this link: http://www.getreadycapitolregion.org/